Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Starry Night

    Last night before I went to go get ready for bed, I took my dog( Maggie Mae) outside. It was about 11:30, so it had gotten REALLY,REALLY cold outside. Maggie Mae is a miniature yorkie and doesn't way more than 5 pounds, but still seems to rule the Beal household! I have to put a leash on her now when she goes outside because, with her old age and stubbornness, seems to want to run when she hears the slightest noise. Such a watch dog she is! I tried to stand right inside the door and just hold the leash outside for Maggie to go to the bathroom but she was tugging and pulling. So I ran and grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around me and braced myself to go out into the cold.
   Once I got outside I was blown away in awe of what I saw. The sky was so clear that I could almost see all the stars in the sky. It took my breath away of how beautiful it was! Just like the Chris August song says, "Every starry night, that was His design." Now I know this is not eloquent or a life altering story, but God showed me in the few moments I was standing outside that He is still God and He is always in control of my life.
Psalm 62:8 " Trust in Him at all times, O people: Pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us."