Friday, June 17, 2011

Each Sunrise Brings A New Light

I woke up very early this morning, 5:15 to be exact :). Today was the big auditions for an opportunity to be in Entertainment and possibly become Cinderella. One I arrived to auditions I just remembered to breath( that's all I could do this morning lol. I was just a bit nervous!) Once I got through the sea of people it was time to get my number, 74. The best way I can describe the auditions is it's kinda like American Idol. Everyone was pushed into an area and lots of people were stretching and giving everyone else "the evil eye" and sizing up their competition. We were all broken up into groups of about 50 or 60 people. I was in the second grouping, so I had a little time to chill before the true audition started. Once my group's time came we were all ushered into a dance studio type room with mirrors all around. We were then taught a quick dance  and then asked to perform it in groups of 4.There was really no time to practice, just kind of go with it mentality. Once everyone had gone we were then moved into another waiting room to find out who made the first cut. After about 15 minutes of torture, a woman came out and began calling numbers......61.67,68,70, heart began to immediately sink. My number was skipped over, but still being hopeful I was thinking maybe that's a good thing, right? The remaining people who were left after the numbers were called went into yet another room. Once we were all in the room the conversation started out by asking us if we had a fun time today. Of course everyone was yelling and screaming with joy! Then the woman said, "Well I hate the be a downer, but unfortunately yall have been cut from the auditions this morning. " I wanted to just sit down right there and begin crying my eyes out. My dream was crushed!
After getting out I called my parents and we had a good crying fest. Sometimes you just need a good cry to get everything out.  Even though the pain right now is very sharp and it hurts very badly, I know there will be something positive that will come from this. God has so many wonderful plans for our lives and this may not be what God wants for me. He may have something so much more grander for my life! "All of my life, in every season, You are God and I have a reason to sing." -Desert Song, Hillsong.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Draw Me Nearer Lord

As I am sitting here on my laptop reflecting on my day, the song Kindness by Chris Tomlin came on my pandora. I have heard this song many times before tonight, but tonight it spoke louder to me than it ever has before. Its truly amazing how God uses things exactly when you need them in your life. There is a prayer at the end of the song that I would like to share with you. It is very touching and something I pray that I'll take it one in my own life. I believe God uses music to draw us nearer to Him in times that we desperately need Him and tonight He used this song to touch my life, SO AMAZING. Praise God!
We stand here,
As the desperate people
Hungry for the things of You
Come quiet the storms,
That rage all around us
So that we hear
The passion that
Beats through your heart
Spirit put healing in our hands
Put life in our words
And drive a passion
For the lost deep
In the hearts of your people
Inhabit the praises of us
Through children
And father send us out

With a reckless passion
Deliver us from evil
And set a standard of unity
To break down laws
And to heal Your people
Unity is the cry of your church, Lord
Reconcile the children to the fathers
And with forgiveness and mercy
Rush through the hearts of our land
We cry out our deep need for You, Jesus
Oh God come in power
And bring glory to Your name

Friday, March 11, 2011

Each Day Is A New Journey

I have been living in Orlando for almost 3 weeks and how truly fast that these 3 weeks have flown by! I am still in amazement at where I am and having the chance to work for Walt Disney World! Since I have begun this journey I have met new people each day from all around the world. With that being said there are many different customs, backgrounds and religions that come with each new person. I guess I truly never realized how lost that the world is! I have only met a small hand full of true Christians while I have been here, which truly makes my heart break. I think because I grew up in church and haven't known anything different is why I find it so hard for people not to believe in God. It just makes me become so depressed!  Being one of the only Christians in a lost world is very hard and challenging. I am so very blessed to have gotten a roommate that is such a sweet and Godly Christian girl and we are able to learn and grow from each other. I try each day to not necessarily to live the Christian life through my words but more my actions. People are always watching you here, especially once they know you are an employee of WDW.
  I am so thankful to have such an amazing support team rooting for me back at home. I miss both my family and my church family very much! I know that God has placed me in Orlando for specific reasons and I know that I have been prepared up to this point in my life to hopefully minister to people here. If I could ask that you would continue to pray for me and that God would work through my life and that HE receives all the Glory!
Colossians 1:10 says, " so that you would walk in a manner worthy of the Lord to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing the knowledge  of God."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Starry Night

    Last night before I went to go get ready for bed, I took my dog( Maggie Mae) outside. It was about 11:30, so it had gotten REALLY,REALLY cold outside. Maggie Mae is a miniature yorkie and doesn't way more than 5 pounds, but still seems to rule the Beal household! I have to put a leash on her now when she goes outside because, with her old age and stubbornness, seems to want to run when she hears the slightest noise. Such a watch dog she is! I tried to stand right inside the door and just hold the leash outside for Maggie to go to the bathroom but she was tugging and pulling. So I ran and grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around me and braced myself to go out into the cold.
   Once I got outside I was blown away in awe of what I saw. The sky was so clear that I could almost see all the stars in the sky. It took my breath away of how beautiful it was! Just like the Chris August song says, "Every starry night, that was His design." Now I know this is not eloquent or a life altering story, but God showed me in the few moments I was standing outside that He is still God and He is always in control of my life.
Psalm 62:8 " Trust in Him at all times, O people: Pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Obedience Always Brings Blessing

   Many times during the hustle and craziness of the week, we forget to just take a minute and breathe. During the moments of sanity God can speak to us in a clear way, all we have to do is listen!! Psalm 46:10 says "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exhausted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." 
   Recently God has been teaching me to be more obedient to Him.  The Lord's simplest request's often serve as stepping stones  to lives most wonderful blessings! A perfect example to obedience is found in Luke 5:1-11, when Simon Peter was fully obedient to God's command. One day a large crowd was around Jesus while He was preaching and He wanted to use Peter's boat as a platform to be able to preach to the multitude. Even though this was not a remarkable request, Peter's compliance paved the way for a life changing blessing. 
    This noisy crowd received the first blessing of Peter's obedience and they were all able to hear Jesus's words CLEARLY. At the conclusion of His lesson , the Lord said to Peter "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch" (Luke 5:4). This again was a second opportunity for Peter to either accept of decline God's request. Peter probably had second thoughts about casting his net, because Peter was a fisherman unlike Jesus would was a carpenter.After all Peter had worked all night to catch fish and returned empty handed. However, Peter's reply demonstrates the beginning of a lifetime of faith in God. Peter said " Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, bit I WILL do as you say and let down the nets." (Luke 5:5) . Jesus demonstrated His power and sovereignty as a result of Peter's obedience. Peter and his partners may have started off the day with great disbelief and thinking their efforts yielded nothing.    But they ended their day in complete amazement because they pulled two overflowing boatloads of fish! WOW! God is amazing. Saying yes to the Lord's request resulted in a miracle that transformed not only the fisherman's life but the lives of the entire group!
   Obeying God in even the smallest matters is an essential step in receiving God's greatest blessings. Often, God's greatest blessing come as a result of our own willingness to do something that appears so insignificant. Our obedience will always bless others.When we begin to live obedient lives, there will be a sense of contentment instead of conflict in our lives. When we obey God, we will NEVER be disappointed! God always knows what is best for us, no matter how much we try to convince Him that we know better.When God speaks to you and tells you to do something, you need to be obedient!
  I challenge you to begin listening to God and take a moment to sit in quiet and in that moment God just may reveal something so life changing to you. God desires to have a relationship with you, so draw close to Him and He will draw near to you. God has amazing plans for your life, so set a goal to obey the Lord and watch His mighty hand work in your life!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Start of Something Magical

    In just a short time( 34 days to be exact!) I will be leaving Jonesboro and arriving in a very magical place, Orlando! It is still so hard for to begin to wrap my mind around what I am about to dive into. I want to share with you how this whole journey began and what's about to take place in my life.
   When I was moving into my dorm my very first day of college, one of the guys that was helping me move in told me that he took a semester off from school and did the Disney Internship. He actually drove one of the big buses around LOL! From that moment on I just knew that I had to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. After all this is a once in a lifetime chance!!
  During my third semester at The University of West Georgia, I just knew that God did not want me there anymore. It was a strange feeling to try and describe to people, but I was confident that God had a bigger plan that I ever could have dreamed of. I also should add that during my senior year of high school, I never had a settling feeling on what I wanted to do with my life career wise. I remember one Sunday during the invitation my heart began to beat really fast and my hands were all sweaty ( gross I know!) and I remember thinking " God I know I am saved. What's happening to me?'' And all of the sudden God revealed to me that He was calling me into the ministry. It is such a divine calling! Also, during different times in our lives God revealed to my mom and I that we are supposed to start a purity ministry, which is most definitely needed in our world today.
  I am beyond thankful and blessed that God is allowing me to partake in such an incredible experience! Even though Disney World is not a Christian-based environment, I pray that I may have an impact on WDW for the Kingdom of God. I also ask that you may pray for me as I am away in Orlando. I am still having a hard time dealing with not being able to see my family and my FBCJ family! However, God has blessed me with my family as well as my church family for the past 19 years and for that I am eternally grateful!

Proverbs 16:9
 " The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps."

Love always,